Category: Curiosities
The word Solstice comes from the Latin “Solis statio” which means stopping of the Sun, therefore the Summer Solstice is the day in which the sun reaches the maximum …
The oldest pagan festival in Sicily “U Muzzuni” It is a pagan festival that takes place in Alcara Li Fusi (ME) on the Nebrodi every year on June 24th. The …
La leggenda di Aci e Galatea ha dato origine a una serie di località in Sicilia, che portano il prefisso “Aci”. Questi paesi sono situati principalmente nella provincia di …
Igor Mitoraj’s contemporary art among the lava flows of the Etna volcano The bronze work of “Teseo screpolato” stands 1700 meters above the lava rocks of the Etna volcano, …
Let’s discover together the Salt Mine and its cathedral in Realmonte di Italkali. Agrigento and its surroundings offer many treasures that every year, in the summer, attract millions of …
Discover the myth of ancient Sicily In Sicily, a legend is often told about the love triangle of Polyphemus, Acis and Galatea, that is, the protagonists of one of …
Yes, ok, the sun, the beaches, the sea. But Sicily is not only this. The millions of tourists who choose Sicily as their holiday destination every year know this …
Avrai sicuramente letto o sentito in tv che Agrigento, è stata nominata “Capitale italiana della Cultura 2025”. Se ti sei chiesto in cosa consiste questa “qualifica”, te lo spieghiamo noi …
Exploring Sicily through its most breathtaking views is an unforgettable experience. In this article we will take you on a journey through promontories, panoramic terraces and natural balconies, offering …
Stop to do the usual things during the long weekends, why not try to have fun in quad tour in the wild scenery of Taormina, Etna, or Agrigento? An …